38 law schools' acceptance rate is between 50% and 60% for 2024 law school admission. The average acceptance rate over all ABA-accredited law school is 42.35%, so the acceptance rate at these schools is high relatively.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 154 and the average GPA is 3.47. Their LSAT score is lower than national average score of 159.
The average tuition & fees at the schools is $47,360. In average, 78.58% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $20,788. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $26,572.
The tuition & fees of the schools is similar to national average of $51,002.

Comparison Table Between 38 Law Schools with Acceptance Rate between 50% and 60%

The following table lists and compare 38 law schools with Acceptance Rate between 50% and 60%. For the schools:
38 Law Schools Acceptance Rate between 50% and 60%
School NameStateAcceptance RateLSAT ScoreTuition & FeesFinancial AidPopulation
Albany Law SchoolpublicNY54.87%155$61,136$36,000694
Appalachian School of LawpublicGA54.19%146$41,000$20,500140
William H. Bowen School of LawpublicAR58.99%152$32,671$6,676436
University of Baltimore School of LawpublicMD58.66%154$51,014$15,000737
Dwayne O. Andreas School of LawpublicFL55.63%149$43,150$16,752771
Brooklyn Law SchoolpublicNY50.00%160$70,356$33,8001,177
California Western School of LawpublicCA55.38%153$62,550$34,920625
Charleston School of LawpublicSC53.13%153$46,134$18,000675
Chicago-Kent College of LawpublicIL50.45%159$55,327$33,500777
Sturm College of LawpublicCO50.37%160$62,585$29,000920
University of Detroit Mercy School of LawpublicMI52.22%154$47,654$19,276619
Duquesne Kline School of LawpublicPA55.43%156$55,500$28,192509
Thomas Goode Jones School of LawpublicAL58.25%150$39,900$15,600325
Hofstra University School of LawpublicNY50.38%156$68,860$35,000857
Interamerican University of Puerto Rico School of LawpublicPR58.41%142$14,510$3,901681
University of Kentucky College of LawpublicKY52.54%157$51,380$13,000410
Liberty University School of LawpublicVA56.43%154$44,260$23,000837
Duncan School of LawpublicTN52.17%151$41,310$18,495372
Louis D. Brandeis School of LawpublicLA57.64%156$30,400$18,000373
University of Maine School of LawpublicME58.29%157$40,640$20,000270
University of Missouri School of LawpublicMO52.49%160$31,339$23,000424
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of LawpublicMO58.87%154$29,359$5,800418
University of New Hampshire School of LawpublicNH57.38%155$48,320$19,000680
University of New Mexico School of LawpublicNM53.48%155$44,158$6,576312
New York Law SchoolpublicNY53.11%156$64,824$37,5001,062
Northern Illinois University College of LawpublicIL54.48%150$23,553$8,274317
Shepard Broad Law CenterpublicFL55.11%153$47,539$15,000881
Pace University School of LawpublicNY53.34%152$53,886$28,000862
Quinnipiac University School of LawpublicCT58.33%153$56,080$18,895365
Cumberland School of LawpublicAL55.67%155$45,236$16,000487
University of San Francisco School of LawpublicCA55.23%153$55,290$25,000612
Santa Clara University School of LawpublicCA52.43%159$59,254$30,000662
Seattle University School of LawpublicWA52.26%157$59,494$25,000750
Southern University Law CenterpublicLA53.46%147$30,034$11,500874
St. Thomas University School of LawpublicFL51.44%152$46,200$22,000739
Jacob D. Fuchsberg Law CenterpublicNY50.49%151$57,545$21,800542
Western New England University School of LawpublicMA59.82%150$50,070$30,000365
University of Wyoming College of LawpublicWY55.09%154$37,162$8,000226