42 law schools' LSAT score is between 160 and 165 for 2024 law school admission. The average LSAT score over all ABA-accredited law school is 159, so the LSAT score at these schools is around average.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 37.18% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is lower than national average rate of 42.35%.
The average tuition & fees at the schools is $55,416. In average, 84.26% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $29,881. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $25,534.
The tuition & fees of the schools is similar to national average of $51,002.

Comparison Table Between 42 Law Schools with LSAT Score between 160 and 165

The following table lists and compare 42 law schools with LSAT Score between 160 and 165. For the schools:
42 Law Schools LSAT Score between 160 and 165
School NameStateLSAT ScoreAcceptance RateTuition & FeesFinancial AidPopulation
Washington College of LawpublicDC16235.69%$65,556$40,0001,635
James E. Rogers College of LawpublicAZ16329.35%$29,988$24,5002,519
Baylor Law SchoolpublicTX16417.77%$64,650$33,000418
Belmont University College of LawpublicTN16039.62%$56,360$37,875350
Brooklyn Law SchoolpublicNY16050.00%$70,356$33,8001,177
University of California College of the Law, San FranciscopublicCA16030.91%$55,207$20,0001,185
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of LawpublicNY16437.64%$73,440$35,0001,030
Case Western Reserve University School of LawpublicOH16041.79%$61,094$40,950664
Chapman University School of LawpublicCA16130.68%$63,126$56,360422
University of Colorado Boulder School of LawpublicCO16434.24%$42,217$12,360525
University of Connecticut School of LawpublicCT16029.31%$62,550$15,177517
Sturm College of LawpublicCO16050.37%$62,585$29,000920
Florida International University College of LawpublicFL16025.18%$36,049$10,683591
University of Houston Law CenterpublicTX16132.27%$50,132$11,500866
Maurer School of LawpublicIN16446.86%$62,526$35,000611
University of Iowa College of LawpublicIA16347.71%$51,955$28,045555
University of Kansas School of LawpublicKS16048.71%$29,739$12,750400
Lewis & Clark Law SchoolpublicOR16067.88%$59,070$26,000660
Loyola Law SchoolpublicCA16133.92%$68,512$40,0001,132
Loyola University Chicago School of LawpublicIL16043.92%$56,450$30,7001,123
University of Maryland School of LawpublicMD16330.18%$52,538$25,000786
University of Miami School of LawpublicFL16232.94%$62,406$40,0001,347
University of Missouri School of LawpublicMO16052.49%$31,339$23,000424
William S. Boyd School of LawpublicNV16033.59%$44,552$14,335456
Northeastern University School of LawpublicMA16337.27%$60,562$32,000950
Penn State Dickinson LawpublicPA16235.37%$59,054$56,592311
Penn State LawpublicPA16136.94%$57,556$54,744553
Pepperdine University School of LawpublicCA16428.18%$68,046$35,0001,114
University of Pittsburgh Law SchoolpublicPA16039.45%$50,634$28,192559
University of Richmond School of LawpublicVA16441.46%$55,500$30,000408
University of San Diego School of LawpublicCA16133.61%$62,981$33,000974
Seton Hall University School of LawpublicNJ16045.58%$66,780$40,0001,064
University of South Carolina School of LawpublicSC16034.00%$41,500$9,062613
Dedman School of LawpublicTX16432.69%$63,502$25,000725
St. John's University School of LawpublicNY16241.48%$72,630$67,800863
Beasley School of LawpublicPA16339.40%$46,776$28,420967
University of Tennessee College of LawpublicTN16230.21%$39,152$7,000417
Tulane University School of LawpublicLA16148.01%$71,172$35,000897
S.J. Quinney College of LawpublicUT16430.20%$43,598$19,173320
Villanova University School of LawpublicPA16422.50%$58,615$35,000777
University of Washington School of LawpublicWA16434.67%$55,617$13,000715
Wayne State University Law SchoolpublicMI16227.41%$41,388$31,000480