The law school tuition is much higher than typical college program. The 2024 average law school tuition is $53,320 over 197 ABA-accredited law schools.
The table and charts in the following section are grouping law schools by 2024 tuition range. For public school, the out-of-state rate is applied for grouping.
As you can see, this is not the case for all, but the higher the tuition, the higher LSAT score and the lower acceptance rate. The average LSAT score is 169 over 29 law schools with tuition of $70K or higher. Moreover, the group's average acceptance rate is 21.45%. This may be obvious, but what is surprising is that top-ranked law schools not only require high LSAT scores and keep low acceptance rates, but they also require higher tuition & fees.
The actual law school costs is lower than the tuition after receiving financial aid. For 2024 law school admission, 81.06% of students received grants and/or scholarships. In general, the average financial aid amount is proportional to the tuition & fees. For example, the amount after receiving financial aid is down to $18,742 with $13,876 of grants/scholarships in schools with tuition range $30K - $35K, and $31,229 with $30,844 financial aid in tuition range $60K - $65K law schools.

Law School Statistics by Tuition Range

The following table shows law school statistics by 2024 tuition range. You can find the correlation between tuition and other indicators for law schools. Follow the link in the range to see which schools are in the tuition range.
Number of Law Schools by Tuition Range
Tuition & FeesNumber of Law SchoolsAverage TuitionAverage Financial AidTuition After Financial AidLSAT ScoreAcceptance Rate
Under $30K29 Law Schools
(21 public, 8 private)
$30K-$35K10 Law Schools
(7 public, 3 private)
$35K-$40K13 Law Schools
(10 public, 3 private)
$40K-$45K21 Law Schools
(11 public, 10 private)
$45K-$50K19 Law Schools
(10 public, 9 private)
$50K-$55K25 Law Schools
(10 public, 15 private)
$55K-$60K25 Law Schools
(8 public, 17 private)
$60K-$65K15 Law Schools
(2 public, 13 private)
$65K-$70K11 Law Schools
(2 public, 9 private)
Over $70K29 Law Schools
(5 public, 24 private)

Charts for Correlation between Tuition Range and Other Law school Metrics