Among 197 ABA-accredited law schools, 20 law schools' tuition & fees are between $45K and $50K for the academic year 2023-2024. The average law school tuition is $51,002, so the tuition at these schools is around average.
In average, 82.12% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $21,088. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $26,538.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 49.65% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is higher than national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 155 and the average GPA is 3.49. Their LSAT score is lower than national average score of 159.

Comparison Table Between 20 Law Schools with Tuition between $45K and $50K

The following table lists and compare 20 law schools with Tuition between $45K and $50K. For the schools:
20 Law Schools Tuition between $45K and $50K
School NameStateFoundedTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidLSAT ScoreAcceptance RatePopulation
Norman Adrian Wiggins School of LawpublicNC1976$49,730$16,25015538.66%560
Charleston School of LawpublicSC2003$46,134$18,00015353.13%675
University of Detroit Mercy School of LawpublicMI1912$47,654$19,27615452.22%619
Drake University Law SchoolpublicIA1865$48,410$32,00015469.42%386
William S. Richardson School of LawpublicHI1968$46,588$6,00015728.80%313
University of Idaho College of LawpublicID1909$46,205$9,61815175.27%422
Michigan State University College of LawpublicMI1891$47,984$35,00015939.37%643
University of New Hampshire School of LawpublicNH1973$48,320$19,00015557.38%680
Shepard Broad Law CenterpublicFL1974$47,539$15,00015355.11%881
Michael E. Moritz College of LawpublicOH1891$49,292$24,29016533.08%564
Roger Williams University School of LawpublicRI1992$48,064$25,86915065.19%516
Rutgers Law School - Camden campuspublicNJ1926$46,695$16,00015738.88%1,339
Saint Louis University School of LawpublicNY1843$48,594$24,00015561.90%561
Cumberland School of LawpublicAL1847$45,236$16,00015555.67%487
St. Thomas University School of LawpublicFL1984$46,200$22,00015251.44%739
University of St. Thomas School of LawpublicMN1999$48,379$25,42115572.17%525
Beasley School of LawpublicPA1895$46,776$28,42016339.40%967
Texas A&M University School of LawpublicTX1992$48,618$27,00016614.64%1,683
Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law SchoolpublicMI1972$46,240$11,88614846.15%472
Western State College of LawpublicCA1966$49,848$30,72015245.14%332