Among 197 ABA-accredited law schools, 27 law schools' tuition & fees are between $50K and $55K for the academic year 2023-2024. The average law school tuition is $51,002, so the tuition at these schools is around average.
In average, 85.93% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $23,451. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $29,024.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 46.73% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is higher than national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 158 and the average GPA is 3.56. Their LSAT score is similar to national average score of 159.

Comparison Table Between 27 Law Schools with Tuition between $50K and $55K

The following table lists and compare 27 law schools with Tuition between $50K and $55K. For the schools:
27 Law Schools Tuition between $50K and $55K
School NameStateFoundedTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidLSAT ScoreAcceptance RatePopulation
Sandra Day O'Connor College of LawpublicAZ1964$50,317$20,00016721.28%1,600
Atlanta's John Marshall Law SchoolpublicGA1933$52,006$3,96915046.88%349
Ave Maria School of LawpublicFL2000$50,750$34,50015245.19%274
University of Baltimore School of LawpublicMD1925$51,014$15,00015458.66%737
Creighton University School of LawpublicNE1904$51,430$22,40015271.36%385
DePaul University College of LawpublicIL1897$52,145$30,00015743.59%603
Drexel University School of LawpublicPA2006$54,600$30,00015934.16%693
University of Houston Law CenterpublicTX1947$50,132$11,50016132.27%866
University of Illinois College of LawpublicIL1897$51,893$35,90016543.69%683
Robert H. McKinney School of LawpublicIN1895$51,623$13,00015562.29%893
University of Iowa College of LawpublicIA1865$51,955$28,04516347.71%555
University of Kentucky College of LawpublicKY1908$51,380$13,00015752.54%410
Loyola University New Orleans College of LawpublicLA1914$54,708$27,00015164.71%610
Marquette University Law SchoolpublicWI1892$52,050$21,50015545.51%593
University of Maryland School of LawpublicMD1823$52,538$25,00016330.18%786
Mitchell Hamline School of LawpublicMN1900$53,930$33,19015167.43%1,281
University of Montana School of LawpublicMT1911$54,449$5,00015471.49%362
University of North Carolina School of LawpublicNC1845$51,486$15,00016616.27%572
Pace University School of LawpublicNY1976$53,886$28,00015253.34%862
University of Pittsburgh Law SchoolpublicPA1850$50,634$28,19216039.45%559
Stetson University College of LawpublicFL1900$54,892$25,00015838.39%948
University of Texas School of LawpublicTX1883$54,096$18,00017114.90%1,005
Vermont Law SchoolpublicVT1972$53,768$30,00015164.19%582
Wake Forest University School of LawpublicNC1894$54,192$40,00016531.47%682
Western New England University School of LawpublicMA1919$50,070$30,00015059.82%365
Willamette University College of LawpublicOR1883$53,994$20,00015269.34%348
University of Wisconsin Law SchoolpublicMI1868$52,893$29,99216535.58%729