Among 197 ABA-accredited law schools, 18 law schools' tuition & fees are between $60K and $65K for the academic year 2023-2024. The average law school tuition is $51,002, so the tuition at these schools is relatively expensive.
In average, 85.08% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $32,247. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $29,901.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 45.50% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is similar to national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 159 and the average GPA is 3.62. Their LSAT score is similar to national average score of 159.

Comparison Table Between 18 Law Schools with Tuition between $60K and $65K

The following table lists and compare 18 law schools with Tuition between $60K and $65K. For the schools:
18 Law Schools Tuition between $60K and $65K
School NameStateFoundedTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidLSAT ScoreAcceptance RatePopulation
Albany Law SchoolpublicNY1851$61,136$36,00015554.87%694
Baylor Law SchoolpublicTX1845$64,650$33,00016417.77%418
California Western School of LawpublicCA1924$62,550$34,92015355.38%625
Case Western Reserve University School of LawpublicOH1892$61,094$40,95016041.79%664
Chapman University School of LawpublicCA1995$63,126$56,36016130.68%422
University of Connecticut School of LawpublicCT1921$62,550$15,17716029.31%517
Sturm College of LawpublicCO1892$62,585$29,00016050.37%920
Elon University School of LawpublicNC2006$60,588$20,03615345.93%445
Maurer School of LawpublicIN1842$62,526$35,00016446.86%611
University of Miami School of LawpublicFL1926$62,406$40,00016232.94%1,347
New England School of LawpublicMA1908$60,075$42,50015374.29%1,083
New York Law SchoolpublicNY1891$64,824$37,50015653.11%1,062
Northeastern University School of LawpublicMA1898$60,562$32,00016337.27%950
University of Oregon School of LawpublicOR1884$60,414$22,00015875.23%513
University of San Diego School of LawpublicCA1954$62,981$33,00016133.61%974
Dedman School of LawpublicTX1911$63,502$25,00016432.69%725
Suffolk University Law SchoolpublicMA1906$61,044$21,00015464.30%1,288
Syracuse University College of LawpublicNY1895$62,050$27,00015742.59%743