Among 197 ABA-accredited law schools, 14 law schools' tuition & fees are between $65K and $70K for the academic year 2023-2024. The average law school tuition is $51,002, so the tuition at these schools is very expensive.
In average, 86.44% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $32,541. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $34,952.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 29.33% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is very lower than national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 165 and the average GPA is 3.77. Their LSAT score is higher than national average score of 159.
Comparison Table Between 14 Law Schools with Tuition between $65K and $70K
The following table lists and compare 14 law schools with Tuition between $65K and $70K. For the schools:
- Boston College Law School has the lowest acceptance rate of 13.38% and Hofstra University School of Law has the highest acceptance rate of 50.38%.
- Washington University School of Law has the highest LSAT score of of 173 and Hofstra University School of Law has the lowest LSAT score of 156.
- The George Washington University Law School is the largest school with 1,870 students and Irvine School of Law is the smallest school with 510 students.
- Marshall-Wythe School of Law is the oldest, established in 1,779 and Irvine School of Law is the newest, opened in 2,009.
School Name | State | Founded | Tuition & Fees | Average Financial Aid | LSAT Score | Acceptance Rate | Population |
Washington College of Lawpublic | DC | 1896 | $65,556 | $40,000 | 162 | 35.69% | 1,635 |
Boston College Law Schoolpublic | MA | 1929 | $66,895 | $21,000 | 167 | 13.38% | 765 |
Boston University School of Lawpublic | MA | 1872 | $65,020 | $33,000 | 170 | 17.82% | 1,070 |
Davis School of Law public | CA | 1965 | $67,164 | $25,000 | 165 | 28.99% | 718 |
Irvine School of Lawpublic | CA | 2009 | $68,190 | $27,500 | 167 | 18.18% | 510 |
Emory University School of Lawpublic | GA | 1916 | $65,510 | $37,000 | 166 | 40.87% | 879 |
The George Washington University Law Schoolpublic | DC | 1865 | $69,740 | $25,000 | 168 | 28.72% | 1,870 |
Hofstra University School of Lawpublic | NY | 1970 | $68,860 | $35,000 | 156 | 50.38% | 857 |
Loyola Law Schoolpublic | CA | 1920 | $68,512 | $40,000 | 161 | 33.92% | 1,132 |
Notre Dame Law Schoolpublic | IL | 1869 | $68,554 | $30,000 | 169 | 24.39% | 565 |
Pepperdine University School of Lawpublic | CA | 1971 | $68,046 | $35,000 | 164 | 28.18% | 1,114 |
Seton Hall University School of Lawpublic | NJ | 1951 | $66,780 | $40,000 | 160 | 45.58% | 1,064 |
Washington University School of Lawpublic | MO | 1867 | $67,744 | $42,000 | 173 | 17.16% | 1,341 |
Marshall-Wythe School of Lawpublic | VA | 1779 | $68,329 | $25,067 | 166 | 27.31% | 556 |