Among 197 ABA-accredited law schools, 16 law schools' tuition & fees are under $30K for the academic year 2023-2024. The average law school tuition is $51,002, so the tuition at these schools is affordable.
In average, 67.07% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $8,709. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $15,943.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 48.41% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is higher than national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 152 and the average GPA is 3.49. Their LSAT score is lower than national average score of 159.

Comparison Table Between 16 Law Schools with Tuition under $30K

The following table lists and compare 16 law schools with Tuition under $30K. For the schools:
16 Law Schools Tuition under $30K
School NameStateFoundedTuition & FeesAverage Financial AidLSAT ScoreAcceptance RatePopulation
University of Akron School of LawpublicOH1921$26,215$10,00015362.07%431
James E. Rogers College of LawpublicAZ1915$29,988$24,50016329.35%2,519
University of Cincinnati College of LawpublicOH1833$29,010$16,94615847.66%455
City University of New York School of LawpublicNY1983$29,042$94615339.89%674
David A. Clarke School of LawpublicDC1972$25,873$8,29215144.34%248
Interamerican University of Puerto Rico School of LawpublicPR1961$14,510$3,90114258.41%681
University of Kansas School of LawpublicKS1893$29,739$12,75016048.71%400
Cecil C. Humphreys School of LawpublicTN1962$25,262$7,99115543.66%283
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of LawpublicMO1895$29,359$5,80015458.87%418
Northern Illinois University College of LawpublicIL1975$23,553$8,27415054.48%317
Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico School of LawpublicPR1948$16,803$1,45013839.88%542
University of Puerto Rico School of LawpublicPR1913$8,680$50014842.35%461
Southern Illinois University School of LawpublicIL1973$21,555$5,29414960.47%273
Thurgood Marshall School of LawpublicTX1947$29,497$4,20715039.65%568
University of Toledo College of LawpublicOH1906$25,484$20,00015161.59%353
University of Tulsa College of LawpublicOK1923$29,864$8,50015643.17%323