There are 2 ABA-accredited law schools in Utah as of 2025. By school type, 1 law school is public and 1 is private. J. Reuben Clark Law School ranked first among Utah law schools with #18 in overall law school ranking.
The below list summarizes the 2024-2025 important law schools statistics for Utah ABA-accredited law schools.
- The average LSAT Score of Utah law schools is 167.
- The average GPA is 3.89.
- The average acceptance rate is 26.26%.
- The average yield (i.e. enrollment rate) is 53.88%.
- Total 706 students have attended Utah law schools in 2025 and each school had 353 law school students in average.
- A total of 224 students have newly enrolled (first-time students) 2025 and , in average, a law school had 112 first-time students last year.
- Total 216 faculties have worked for Utah law schools.
- The average bar exam pass rate is 94.70%.
List of Utah Law Schools and Comparison
The following table lists 2 Utah law schools with important statistics including tuition and LSAT scores. You can compare them with the information and sort the table by each column that you want.
The rankings are computed based on a number of factors including the admission scores, number of faculties, bar pass rate, acceptance rate, and employment statistics.
School | Ranking | Founded | Tuition & Fees | Financial Aid | LSAT | GPA | Acceptance Rate | Yield | Bar Pass Rate | Population | Students to Faculty |
J. Reuben Clark Law SchoolPrivateProvo, UT | 18 | 1973 | $31,056 | $15,076 | 168 | 3.92 | 27.76% | 70.48% | 95.41% | 359 | 3 to 1 |
S.J. Quinney College of LawPublicSalt Lake City, UT | 32 | 1913 | $45,102 | $19,164 | 165 | 3.86 | 24.76% | 37.28% | 93.98% | 347 | 4 to 1 |