Compare Law Schools

Comparing Columbus Law and LSU Law Side by Side

The following statements compares Columbus School of Law (Columbus Law) and Paul M. Hebert Law Center (LSU Law) with important law school statistics. All data is for the academic year 2024-2025, except bar passage and employment data for 2023-2024.
  • Columbus Law tuition of $60,392 is more expensive than LSU Law tuition of $39,105.
  • Columbus Law offers the better financial aid of $28,608 which is 47.37% of tuition amount.
  • Columbus Law acceptance rate of 49.46% is lower than LSU Law of 34.63%.
  • Columbus Law's LSAT score of 160 is higher than LSU Law of 156.
  • LSU Law's GPA of 3.71 is higher than Columbus Law of 3.64.
  • LSU Law with 638 students is larger than Columbus Law with 385 students.
  • LSU Law has higher bar exam pass rate than Columbus Law.
  • Columbus Law founded in 1897 is older than LSU Law founded in 1906.
  • Columbus Law requires more expensive application fees than Columbus Law.
    Columbus School of Law

    Columbus School of Law

    Private • Washington, DCREMOVE
    Tuition & Costs
    $60,392 tuition & fees
    Financial Aid
    $28,608 Avg. Amount
    47.37% Tuition Covered
    91.87% Received
    LSAT Scores
    159 Median Score
    161 75th Percentile
    155 25th Percentile
    3.63 Median Score
    3.75 75th Percentile
    3.39 25th Percentile
    34.63% Acceptance Rate
    28.74% Yield
    1461 Applicants
    465 Admitted
    114 Enrolled
    385 Total Enrollment
    389 JD Enrollment
    11 Non-JD Enrollment
    Faculties & Staffs
    110 Faculties
    4 to 1 Students to Faculty
    Bar Exam
    84.47% Pass Rate
    103 Exam Takers
    9 Not Taken
    87 Exam Passers
    118 Total Graduates
    100 Employed Full-time
    4 Employed Part-time
    Application Fees
    Application deadline
    2025-09-01 Application Open
    2025-12-01 Early Decision
    2025-12-22 Applicants notified of early decision
    2025-03-15 Regular Decision
    Paul M. Hebert Law Center

    Paul M. Hebert Law Center

    Public • Baton Rouge, LAREMOVE
    Tuition & Costs
    $39,105 ($23,665 in-state)
    Financial Aid
    $14,497 Avg. Amount
    37.07% Tuition Covered
    86.32% Received
    LSAT Scores
    157 Median Score
    159 75th Percentile
    154 25th Percentile
    3.65 Median Score
    3.83 75th Percentile
    3.37 25th Percentile
    49.46% Acceptance Rate
    44.53% Yield
    1024 Applicants
    501 Admitted
    203 Enrolled
    638 Total Enrollment
    614 JD Enrollment
    12 Non-JD Enrollment
    Faculties & Staffs
    105 Faculties
    6 to 1 Students to Faculty
    Bar Exam
    92.00% Pass Rate
    150 Exam Takers
    11 Not Taken
    138 Exam Passers
    183 Total Graduates
    158 Employed Full-time
    2 Employed Part-time
    Application Fees
    Application deadline
    2025-03-01 Priority