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    David A. Clarke School of Law

    David A. Clarke School of Law

    Public • Washington, DCREMOVE
    Tuition & Costs
    $25,873 ($13,438 in-state)
    $22,700 Living Costs
    $4,000 Personal Expenses
    Financial Aid
    $8,292 Avg. Amount
    32.05% Tuition Covered
    77.44% Received
    LSAT Scores
    151 Median Score
    153 75th Percentile
    147 25th Percentile
    3.27 Median Score
    3.55 75th Percentile
    2.92 25th Percentile
    44.34% Acceptance Rate
    34.04% Yield
    530 Applicants
    235 Admitted
    80 Enrolled
    248 Total Enrollment
    248 JD Enrollment
    0 Non-JD Enrollment
    Faculties & Staffs
    56 Faculties
    4 to 1 Students to Faculty
    Bar Exam
    47.92% Pass Rate
    48 Exam Takers
    7 Not Taken
    23 Exam Passers
    48 Total Graduates
    35 Employed Full-time
    3 Employed Part-time
    Application Fees
    Application deadline
    2025-09-25 Application Open
    2025-02-15 Early Decision
    2025-05-01 Regular Decision
    Admission Info
    General Admission
    Application Requirements
    More Competitors
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