There are 6 ABA-accredited law schools in North Carolina. Of those schools, the top 5 schools present in the following table.
The schools are ranked based on test scores, tuition, bar pass rate, and employment statistics. You can search all law schools in North Carolina at North Carolina law school search page.
Duke University School of Law's tuition is the most expensive ($75,618) and North Carolina Central University School of Law's tuition is the lowest ($39,042).
Wake Forest University School of Law offers the best financial aid of $40,000 which is 73.81% of tuition amount.
Duke University School of Law has the lowest acceptance rate of 10.51%) and Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law has the highest rate of 38.66%).
Duke University School of Law has the highest LSAT score of 170 and North Carolina Central University School of Law has the lowest score of 149.
Duke University School of Law has the highest GPA of 3.87 and North Carolina Central University School of Law has the lowest GPA of 3.35.
Duke University School of Law is the largest school with 868 enrolled students and North Carolina Central University School of Law is the smallest school with 430 students.
Duke University School of Law has the highest bar exam pass rate of 94.44% and North Carolina Central University School of Law has the lowest rate of 56.59%.
University of North Carolina School of Law is the oldest school founded in 1845 and Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law is the most recently founded in 1976.
Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law requires the most expensive application fees of .