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Top Oregon Law Schools Comparison

There are 3 ABA-accredited law schools in Oregon. The schools in the below table lists the schools in order of rankings. The schools are ranked based on test scores, tuition, bar pass rate, and employment statistics.
The following list compares 3 schools with important law school statistics - University of Oregon School of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School, Willamette University College of Law.
  • University of Oregon School of Law's tuition is the most expensive ($60,414) and Willamette University College of Law's tuition is the lowest ($53,994).
  • Lewis & Clark Law School offers the best financial aid of $26,000 which is 44.02% of tuition amount.
  • Lewis & Clark Law School has the lowest acceptance rate of 67.88%) and University of Oregon School of Law has the highest rate of 75.23%).
  • Lewis & Clark Law School has the highest LSAT score of 160 and Willamette University College of Law has the lowest score of 152.
  • Lewis & Clark Law School has the highest GPA of 3.59 and Willamette University College of Law has the lowest GPA of 3.26.
  • Lewis & Clark Law School is the largest school with 660 enrolled students and Willamette University College of Law is the smallest school with 348 students.
  • Lewis & Clark Law School has the highest bar exam pass rate of 77.58% and Willamette University College of Law has the lowest rate of 52.69%.
  • Willamette University College of Law is the oldest school founded in 1883 and Lewis & Clark Law School is the most recently founded in 1915.
  • Lewis & Clark Law School requires the most expensive application fees of $50.
University of Oregon School of Law
Tuition & Costs
$60,414 ($48,516 in-state)
$17,268 Living Costs
$2,538 Personal Expenses
Financial Aid
$22,000 Avg. Amount
36.42% Tuition Covered
78.51% Received
LSAT Scores
158 Median Score
161 75th Percentile
155 25th Percentile
3.57 Median Score
3.76 75th Percentile
3.37 25th Percentile
75.23% Acceptance Rate
15.95% Yield
1330 Applicants
735 Admitted
157 Enrolled
513 Total Enrollment
484 JD Enrollment
68 Non-JD Enrollment
Faculties & Staffs
95 Faculties
6 to 1 Students to Faculty
Bar Exam
76.67% Pass Rate
138 Exam Takers
11 Not Taken
112 Exam Passers
128 Total Graduates
111 Employed Full-time
6 Employed Part-time
Application Fees
No Fees
Application deadline
2023-09-01 Application Open
2024-03-01 Priority
Admission Info
Lewis & Clark Law School

Lewis & Clark Law School

Private • Portland, OR
Tuition & Costs
$59,070 tuition & fees
$21,870 Living Costs
$3,600 Personal Expenses
Financial Aid
$26,000 Avg. Amount
44.02% Tuition Covered
96.95% Received
LSAT Scores
161 Median Score
164 75th Percentile
158 25th Percentile
3.52 Median Score
3.69 75th Percentile
3.25 25th Percentile
67.88% Acceptance Rate
24.76% Yield
1163 Applicants
605 Admitted
146 Enrolled
660 Total Enrollment
563 JD Enrollment
110 Non-JD Enrollment
Faculties & Staffs
192 Faculties
4 to 1 Students to Faculty
Bar Exam
77.58% Pass Rate
173 Exam Takers
26 Not Taken
136 Exam Passers
175 Total Graduates
156 Employed Full-time
6 Employed Part-time
Application Fees
Application deadline
2023-09-01 Application Open
2024-02-15 Priority
2024-03-15 Regular Decision
Tuition & Costs
$53,994 tuition & fees
$21,676 Living Costs
$1,584 Personal Expenses
Financial Aid
$20,000 Avg. Amount
37.04% Tuition Covered
81.33% Received
LSAT Scores
154 Median Score
156 75th Percentile
151 25th Percentile
3.25 Median Score
3.67 75th Percentile
3.02 25th Percentile
69.34% Acceptance Rate
22.50% Yield
750 Applicants
442 Admitted
105 Enrolled
348 Total Enrollment
332 JD Enrollment
0 Non-JD Enrollment
Faculties & Staffs
55 Faculties
6 to 1 Students to Faculty
Bar Exam
52.69% Pass Rate
90 Exam Takers
12 Not Taken
65 Exam Passers
101 Total Graduates
75 Employed Full-time
7 Employed Part-time
Application Fees
No Fees
Application deadline
2023-09-01 Application Open
2023-12-15 Early Decision
2024-08-01 Final