Admission to law school not only requires more prerequisites than typical college admission, but is also more competitive. For the 2024 law school admission, the average acceptance rate is 41.58%.
3 law schools have very tight acceptance rate, below 10%. In addition, 24 law schools' acceptance rate lay between 10% and 20%.
As can be seen in the table below, the acceptance rate and LSAT score are inversely proportional. In other words, law schools with lower acceptance rates have higher LSAT scores.
Additionally, the low acceptance rate seems to be related to high tuition at law schools. By analyzing the following table and chart, you can understand the correlation between tuition and acceptance rate.
Law School Statistics by Acceptance Rate Range
The following table shows law school statistics by 2024 acceptance rate range. You can find the correlation between acceptance rate and other indicators for law schools. Follow the link in the range to see which schools are in the acceptance rate range.