61 law schools are established between 1850 and 1900. The average founding year of law schools is 1918, so these schools have long history.
At these schools, the average acceptance rate is 38.46% for 2024 Admission. The acceptance rate of the schools is similar to national average rate of 42.35%.
The average LSAT score of the schools is 162 and the average GPA is 3.69. Their LSAT score is higher than national average score of 159.
The average tuition & fees at the schools is $54,046. In average, 83.92% of students received grants and/or scholarships and the average amount is $25,057. The actual tuition after receiving aid is down to $28,989.
The tuition & fees of the schools is similar to national average of $51,002.
Comparison Table Between 61 Law Schools Established between 1850 and 1900
The following table lists and compare 61 law schools with Established between 1850 and 1900. For the schools:
By Established Range Summary by Range Before 1850 1850-1900 1900-1950 1950-2000 After 2000
61 Law Schools Established between 1850 and 1900
School Name State Founded Tuition & Fees LSAT Score Acceptance Rate Population Financial Aid
The University of Alabama School of Law public AL 1872 $44,470 167 26.62% 473 $22,000
Albany Law School public NY 1851 $61,136 155 54.87% 694 $36,000
Washington College of Law public DC 1896 $65,556 162 35.69% 1,635 $40,000
Boston University School of Law public MA 1872 $65,020 170 17.82% 1,070 $33,000
Berkeley School of Law public CA 1894 $74,995 170 14.92% 1,302 $27,149
University of California College of the Law, San Francisco public CA 1878 $55,207 160 30.91% 1,185 $20,000
Case Western Reserve University School of Law public OH 1892 $61,094 160 41.79% 664 $40,950
Columbus School of Law public DC 1897 $58,436 159 31.83% 400 $30,000
Chicago-Kent College of Law public IL 1888 $55,327 159 50.45% 777 $33,500
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law public OH 1897 $30,142 155 35.88% 504 $9,768
University of Colorado Boulder School of Law public CO 1892 $42,217 164 34.24% 525 $12,360
Columbia Law School public NY 1858 $81,292 173 12.23% 1,748 $30,000
Cornell Law School public NY 1887 $77,593 172 18.39% 875 $30,000
Sturm College of Law public CO 1892 $62,585 160 50.37% 920 $29,000
DePaul University College of Law public IL 1897 $52,145 157 43.59% 603 $30,000
Drake University Law School public IA 1865 $48,410 154 69.42% 386 $32,000
The George Washington University Law School public DC 1865 $69,740 168 28.72% 1,870 $25,000
Georgetown University Law Center public DC 1870 $79,672 171 19.57% 3,030 $35,000
University of Georgia School of Law public GA 1859 $37,752 169 14.77% 694 $10,862
Howard University School of Law public DC 1869 $39,756 155 33.55% 488 $13,090
University of Illinois College of Law public IL 1897 $51,893 165 43.69% 683 $35,900
Robert H. McKinney School of Law public IN 1895 $51,623 155 62.29% 893 $13,000
University of Iowa College of Law public IA 1865 $51,955 163 47.71% 555 $28,045
University of Illinois Chicago School of Law public IL 1899 $39,708 152 69.53% 990 $22,500
University of Kansas School of Law public KS 1893 $29,739 160 48.71% 400 $12,750
Marquette University Law School public WI 1892 $52,050 155 45.51% 593 $21,500
Mercer Law School public GA 1873 $43,132 155 46.98% 399 $16,000
Michigan State University College of Law public MI 1891 $47,984 159 39.37% 643 $35,000
University of Michigan Law School public MI 1859 $72,584 171 12.58% 978 $30,000
University of Minnesota Law School public MN 1888 $58,396 168 39.76% 720 $30,000
University of Mississippi School of Law public MS 1854 $38,880 157 43.53% 531 $10,000
University of Missouri School of Law public MO 1872 $31,339 160 52.49% 424 $23,000
University of Missouri - Kansas City School of Law public MO 1895 $29,359 154 58.87% 418 $5,800
University of Nebraska - Lincoln College of Law public NE 1888 $37,442 158 65.90% 466 $16,068
New York Law School public NY 1891 $64,824 156 53.11% 1,062 $37,500
University of North Dakota School of Law public ND 1899 $32,648 150 62.01% 238 $4,585
Northeastern University School of Law public MA 1898 $60,562 163 37.27% 950 $32,000
Salmon P. Chase College of Law public KY 1893 $38,165 152 71.91% 375 $18,000
Northwestern Pritzker School of Law public IL 1859 $74,552 172 15.53% 1,189 $40,000
Notre Dame Law School public IL 1869 $68,554 169 24.39% 565 $30,000
Claude W. Pettit College of Law public OH 1885 $35,250 148 68.25% 196 $21,000
Michael E. Moritz College of Law public OH 1891 $49,292 165 33.08% 564 $24,290
University of Oregon School of Law public OR 1884 $60,414 158 75.23% 513 $22,000
University of Pennsylvania Law School public PA 1850 $76,934 172 9.88% 1,048 $40,000
University of Pittsburgh Law School public PA 1850 $50,634 160 39.45% 559 $28,192
University of Richmond School of Law public VA 1870 $55,500 164 41.46% 408 $30,000
University of South Carolina School of Law public SC 1867 $41,500 160 34.00% 613 $9,062
Gould School of Law public CA 1896 $78,038 169 12.52% 1,436 $40,000
Stanford Law School public CA 1893 $73,713 173 7.26% 682 $34,199
Syracuse University College of Law public NY 1895 $62,050 157 42.59% 743 $27,000
Beasley School of Law public PA 1895 $46,776 163 39.40% 967 $28,420
University of Tennessee College of Law public TN 1890 $39,152 162 30.21% 417 $7,000
University of Texas School of Law public TX 1883 $54,096 171 14.90% 1,005 $18,000
University at Buffalo Law School public NY 1887 $33,550 156 41.08% 823 $10,000
Vanderbilt University Law School public TN 1874 $75,440 170 16.76% 555 $33,000
Wake Forest University School of Law public NC 1894 $54,192 165 31.47% 682 $40,000
Washington University School of Law public MO 1867 $67,744 173 17.16% 1,341 $42,000
University of Washington School of Law public WA 1889 $55,617 164 34.67% 715 $13,000
West Virginia University College of Law public WV 1878 $42,120 155 45.13% 314 $10,000
Willamette University College of Law public OR 1883 $53,994 152 69.34% 348 $20,000
University of Wisconsin Law School public MI 1868 $52,893 165 35.58% 729 $29,992